Ran Hu

Artifact for Project 1


Introduction to this artifact:

This artifact is a composite created using my program. Using my scissoring tool to cut the objects out and then use Photoshop to process the resulting. Finally combine them in my composite. Following is the processes.


1 Chose two images to compose the artifact

The first one is a photo of me.       The second one is a 100 dollar bill.



2 Scissoring Image 1

Use the ‘iScissor’ to scissor the head portrait mask in Image 1. Then use Photoshop to extract the head portrait out, and process the image, like rotation. Using Mixer Brush Tool, Sketch Tool, Eraser Tool, etc.




3 Compose a new dollar bill

Combine the two images together and change the name in the bottom of the portrait. Blur the edge between the dollar bill layer and the portrait layer.